Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Why does a wave on a string invert after reflection?

Question: Why does a wave pulse on a string invert after it is reflected from a rigid boundary?

Below is a conventional explanation on this question: We may assume an end of a string is rigidly clamped to a wall and a wave pulse on a string moves from left to right towards this end which is fixed. As the wave pulse approaches the fixed end, the string exerts an upward force on the wall or rigid boundary. According to Newton's third law of motion, the wall exerts an equal downward (or restoring) force on the end of the string. This restoring force generates an inverted wave pulse that propagates from right to left, having the same wave speed and amplitude as the incident wave. In addition, the displacement of the wave remains zero at the rigid boundary and the there is a phase change of 180o. (To have a more complete understanding of the phenomenon, some textbook authors include explanations on a string that has a “free end.”) 

In general, we can derive a wave equation of a vibrating string that requires a small segment of the string obeying Newton’s second law of motion. However, we need more information to specify the complete movement of the vibrating string. That is, it is necessary to know initial conditions (position and velocity) of the string at a particular time and boundary conditions at a particular location on the string. The boundary condition may refer to the displacement of the string that is zero at the rigid boundary or the slope of the string that is zero if the end of the string is attached to a frictionless boundary. 

Alternatively, Pierce (2006) explains the inverted wave pulse by using a voltage wave. Imagine a voltage wave is traveling down a transmission line. If the transmission line is open at one end, the reflected voltage wave will be the negative of the incident voltage wave. If the transmission line is shorted at the point of reflection, the voltage is zero at that point instead. In other words, during the process of reflection, the incident voltage wave plus the reflected voltage wave must always be zero. Hence, we may infer that the reflected voltage wave must be the negative of the incident voltage wave during the process of reflection. 

How would Feynman answer?

Feynman did not provide an intuitive explanation by using Newton’s Third law of motion. In The Feynman Lectures on Physics, he has provided a mathematical explanation:  “Suppose that the string is held at one end, for example by fastening it to an “infinitely solid” wall. This can be expressed mathematically by saying that the displacement y of the string at the position x = 0 must be zero because the end does not move… we know that the general solution for the motion is the sum of two functions, F(x ct) and G(x + ct)… (Feynman et al., 1963, section 49–1 The reflection of waves).” Note that the mathematical expression F(x ct) represents a wave traveling in the string to the right at the speed c and G(x + ct) represents another wave traveling to the left at the speed c. Thus, the displacement y of the string can be expressed as F(x ct) + G(x + ct) by using the principle of superposition. This physical principle is applicable to the vibrating string because it is a linear system.

We should not assume that Feynman has the attitude of “shut up and calculate” or he simply believes in the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics. More important, Feynman would have a concern on the different interpretations of mathematics. According to Feynman, “[t]he next great awakening of human intellect may well produce a method of understanding the qualitative content of equations. Today we cannot. Today, we cannot see whether Schrödinger’s equation contains frogs, musical composers, or morality - or whether it does not. We cannot say whether something beyond it like God is needed, or not. And so we can all hold strong opinions either way (Feynman et al., 1964, p. 41-12).” It is possible to have different philosophical perspectives for a mathematical equation that is applied in the physical world. The “shut up and calculate” attitude could be attributed to Mermin (2004) instead of Feynman.

Interestingly, Feynman elaborates that we can imagine a hypothetical wave traveling in the opposite direction that is behind the wall. In his own words, “We say hypothetical because, of course, there is no string to vibrate on that side of the origin. The total motion of the string is to be regarded as the sum of these two waves in the region of positive x. As they reach the origin, they will always cancel at x = 0, and finally, the second (reflected) wave will be the only one to exist for positive x and it will, of course, be traveling in the opposite direction… (Feynman et al., 1963, section 49–1 The reflection of waves).” That is, we can understand the reflected wave by imagining an inverted wave that comes out from behind the wall. In short, we may assume that the string is connected to an infinitely massive string at x = 0. This explains the boundary condition in which the displacement of the string at x = 0 must always be zero.

Feynman might mention problems of defining waves. During a BBC interview, Feynman (1994) explains that “[i]f I'm sitting next to a swimming pool, and somebody dives in, and she's not too pretty, then I can think about something else. I like to think about the waves that are formed in the water, and when lots of people have dived into the pool, there's a very great choppiness of all these waves all over the surface. Now to think that it's possible, maybe, that in those waves there's a clue as to what's happening in the pool: that an insect of sufficient cleverness could sit in the corner of the pool, and just by being disturbed by the waves and by the nature of the irregularities, the insect could figure out who jumped in where, and when, and what's happening all over the pool. It seems incredible, but that’s what we're doing when we looking at something… (p. 130).” 

1. Feynman, R. P. (1994). No Ordinary Genius: The Illustrated Richard Feynman. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 
2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 
3. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1964). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol II: Mainly electromagnetism and matter. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 
4. Mermin, N. D. (2004). Could Feynman have said this. Physics Today, 57(5), 10.
5. Pierce, J. R. (2006). Almost all about waves. New York: Dover.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Refractive index (Absolute speed or effective speed?)

Question: What is the refractive index of a medium?

A student in Singapore complained the following examination question: 

What is the refractive index of a medium? 
A. the ratio of the speed of light in air to the speed of light in the medium. 
B. the ratio of the speed of light in the medium to the speed of light in air. 
C. the ratio of the speed of light in the medium to the speed of light in vacuum. 
D. the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the medium. 

The student chose the answer “A,” but his physics teacher told him that the answer should be “D.” However, this does not seem reasonable to him because the recommended textbook states that “the refractive index is a ratio between the speed of light in air or vacuum and the speed of light in a medium (Chew & Chow, 2007, p. 231).” Subsequently, this led to complaints that the textbook has errors and the ministry of education has recommended the wrong physics textbook. Alternatively, we can define absolute index of refraction as a ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a medium. Thus, this is also a problem of terminology and thus, the examination question should be phrased more carefully.

How would Feynman answer?

An ability to state the refractive index as a ratio of the speed of light in vacuum and the speed of light in a medium does not imply a genuine understanding of the concept. In short, Feynman would explain that the speed of light waves in a medium remains constant, but it is the effective speed of the light waves that is decreased. We should have some knowledge of Feynman’s answer from the perspective of wave mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and problems of defining index of refraction as shown below.

1. Effective speed of light waves: Strictly speaking, it is imprecise and incomplete to state that the speed of light is reduced in a transparent material or medium. In general, there are different kinds of speed (or velocity) of light waves such as phase velocity, group velocity, and effective speed. In Feynman’s words, “[i]t is approximately true that light or any electrical wave does appear to travel at the speed c/n through a material whose index of refraction is n, but the fields are still produced by the motions of all the charges — including the charges moving in the material — and with these basic contributions of the field travelling at the ultimate velocity c. Our problem is to understand how the apparently slower velocity comes about (Feynman et al., 1963, section 31–1 The index of refraction).” Simply phrased, light or light waves still travel at the same ultimate speed of light, c, instead of c/n. However, the constant speed of light waves appears to slow down as a result of moving charges in the material. 

Importantly, there should be a deeper understanding of the meaning of effective speed (or apparent speed) of light. We should distinguish the term absolute speed and effective speed for the speed of light in the material. Feynman explains that “[b]efore we proceed with our study of how the index of refraction comes about, we should understand that all that is required to understand refraction is to understand why the apparent wave velocity is different in different materials. The bending of light rays comes about just because the effective speed of the waves is different in the materials (Feynman et al., 1963, section 31–1 The index of refraction).” Although the bending of light is sometimes explained by the principle of least time, it is also important to understand the concept of absolute speed of light in different materials. Better still, we should emphasize that the refractive index is related to the effective speed of light in the material or medium.

Furthermore, the effective or apparent speed of light can be explained by the phase shift of light waves. Feynman elaborates that “[i]n spite of the fact that it is said that you cannot send signals any faster than the speed of light, it is nevertheless true that the index of refraction of materials at a particular frequency can be either greater or less than 1. This just means that the phase shift which is produced by the scattered light can be either positive or negative (Feynman et al., 1963, section 31–3 Dispersion).” Note that the refractive index of a material is related to the phase velocity or speed of nodes of the waves. Moreover, there is a phase difference between an incident light wave and the emitted light wave generated by an atom. If the phase of the emitted light wave is delayed, the effective speed of light is slowed down.

2. Theories of refractive index:
The concept of refractive index can be explained by wave mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. Generally speaking, the oscillation of atoms in a medium can be modeled by using wave mechanics. Feynman mentions that “[y]ou may think that this is a funny model of an atom if you have heard about electrons whirling around in orbits. But that is just an oversimplified picture. The correct picture of an atom, which is given by the theory of wave mechanics, says that, so far as problems involving light are concerned, the electrons behave as though they were held by springs (Feynman et al., 1963, section 31–2 The field due to the material).” In a sense, we can idealize the electrons as tiny oscillators with a resonant frequency and having a linear restoring force. Therefore, the driven motion of the electrons can re-emit light waves through the material.

In addition, the physical principles behind the oscillation of molecules are based on electromagnetism. Feynman clarifies that “[t]he electric field of the light wave polarizes the molecules of the gas, producing oscillating dipole moments. The acceleration of the oscillating charges radiates new waves of the field. This new field, interfering with the old field, produces a changed field which is equivalent to a phase shift of the original wave. Because this phase shift is proportional to the thickness of the material, the effect is equivalent to having a different phase velocity in the material (Feynman et al., 1964, section 32–1 Polarization of matter).” Essentially, Feynman has simplified the discussion by excluding complications that arise from the effects of light waves changing the electric fields at the oscillating charges. He has assumed the forces on the charges in the atoms came only from the incoming wave, and did not delve deeper in the re-emitted waves from all other atoms.

Fundamentally speaking, we can have a quantum interpretation of the equation derived by wave mechanics on the refractive index. In a footnote of his lecture, Feynman states that “[i]n quantum mechanics even an atom with one electron, like hydrogen, has several resonant frequencies. Therefore Nk is not really the number of electrons having the frequency ωk, but is replaced instead by Nfk, where N is the number of atoms per unit volume and fk (called the oscillator strength) is a factor that tells how strongly the atom exhibits each of its resonant frequencies ωk (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 31-8).” In short, the interactions of light with a material can be visualized as the absorptions and re-emissions of photons. As a result, the absorptions and emissions of light waves in the material cause the phase shift and the reduction of (effective) speed of light.

3. Problems of defining refractive index:
The refractive index is not a simply a constant and it is dependent on the frequency (or wavelength) of light waves. According to Feynman, “we have also learned how the index of refraction should vary with the frequency ω of the light. This is something we would never understand from the simple statement that ‘light travels slower in a transparent material’ (Feynman et al., 1963, section 31–3 Dispersion).” In essence, the speed of light is dependent on the color and the refractive index is not exactly defined by the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in the medium. Mathematically, the index of refraction can be modeled by the equation n = 1 + Nqe2/2ϵ0m02 − ω2) in which N is the number of atoms per unit volume in a plate. We can use this equation to explain the phenomenon of dispersion.

Interestingly, the refractive index can be represented by a complex number. Feynman explains that “the index of refraction is now a complex number! What does that mean? By working out what the real and imaginary parts of n are we could write n = n′ − in′′, where n′ and n″ are real numbers (Feynman et al., 1963, section 31–4 Absorption).” The imaginary part of refractive index means that some energy of light waves can be absorbed by the material or medium. This implies a decrease in the amplitude of the light waves that is proportional to the thickness of the medium such as a piece of glass plate. In other words, the light waves that come out from the other side of the glass plate have lesser energy. Therefore, n″ is sometimes known as the “absorption index.”

On the other hand, there is still a problem of incomplete knowledge in the refractive index. In Feynman’s words, “We still have the problem, of course, of knowing how many atoms per unit volume there are, and what is their natural frequency ω0. We do not know this just yet, because it is different for every different material, and we cannot get a general theory of that now. Formulation of a general theory of the properties of different substances — their natural frequencies, and so on — is possible only with quantum atomic mechanics (Feynman et al., 1963, section 31–3 Dispersion).” Therefore, it is challenging to have a general mathematical equation for all refractive indices that is applicable to all materials. Currently, there are meta-materials in which the refractive index can even be negative.

       To conclude, the knowledge of speed of light is reduced in a transparent material does not mean a good understanding of the concept of refractive index. Nevertheless, Feynman would explain that it is the effective speed of light that is reduced and this is related to the phase shift of light waves in the material. Importantly, the concept of refractive index can be modeled by using wave mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. Furthermore, we should be cognizant of problems of defining refractive index such as it is depending on the wavelengths of light and it is possible to have an imaginary part in the refractive index.

Note: Feynman has a short and interesting explanation on the bending of light in a medium, “[f]inding the path of least time for light is like finding the path of least time for a lifeguard running and then swimming to rescue a drowning victim: the path of least distance has too much water in it; the path of least water has too much land in it; the path of least time is a compromise between the two (Feynman, 1985, p. 51).

1. Chew, C. & Chow, S. F. (2007). GCE ‘O’ Level Physics Matters. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish. 
2. Feynman, R. P. (1985). QED: The strange theory of light and matter. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 
3. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 
4. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1964). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol II: Mainly electromagnetism and matter. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Newton’s Second Law (law or definition?)

Question: State Newton’s second law of motion in words. Explain the meaning of Newton’s second law.

In Principia, Newton states the second law as “[t]he alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.” Simply phrased, this means that the force is proportional to the rate of change of momentum, but we do not find the equation F = ma in the original Newton’s second law. Depending on the grading criteria, students could be penalized when they state Newton’s second law that is related to F = ma instead of F = dp/dt

On the other hand, one may explain that Newton’s second law is a definition of force. Currently, there is no agreement on whether Newton’s second law is simply an empirical law or merely a definition. Furthermore, one may debate to what degree Newton’s second law is a definition or a law. However, physicists could be more precise by specifying their definition of definition. For instance, what they have in mind may be a theoretical definition or an operational definition. Alternatively, Newton’s second law can be considered to be a physical model or simply a mathematical relationship between force and motion.

Below are examples of Newton’s second law of motion that are stated in textbooks from different countries.

A Russian textbook: A force acting on a body is equal to the product of the mass of the body and the acceleration produced by this force, the directions of the force and the accelerations coinciding. (Landsberg, 1971).

A UK textbook: The rate of change of momentum of an object is proportional to the resultant force which acts on the object (Breithaupt, 2000).

A US textbook: An object of mass m subjected to forces F1, F2, F3, … will undergo an acceleration a given by a = Fnet/m
where the net force Fnet = F1 + F2 + F3 + is the vector sum of the individual forces. The acceleration vector a points in the same direction as the net force vector Fnet (Knight, 2004).

How would Feynman answer?

In The Feynman Lectures on Physics, we can find Newton’s second law of motion that is based on the equation F = ma and F = dp/dt. Additionally, Feynman disagrees that Newton’s second law is simply a definition. We will discuss possible answers of Feynman from the perspective of F = ma, F = dp/dt, and problems of defining force.

1. F = ma 

Although Feynman often makes fun of philosophers, he is interested in the meaning of knowledge, and thus opines that it is always important to ask, “What does it mean?” In Feynman’s words, “‘What is the meaning of the physical laws of Newton, which we write as F = ma? What is the meaning of force, mass, and acceleration?’ Well, we can intuitively sense the meaning of mass, and we can define acceleration if we know the meaning of position and time. We shall not discuss those meanings, but shall concentrate on the new concept of force. The answer is equally simple: ‘If a body is accelerating, then there is a force on it.’ That is what Newton’s laws say, so the most precise and beautiful definition of force imaginable might simply be to say that force is the mass of an object times the acceleration (Feynman et al., 1963, section 12–1 What is a force?) Importantly, he emphasizes that the force is supposed to have some independent properties, for example, it has a material origin, and thus, it is not just a definition.

In addition, Feynman explains that “the acceleration a is the rate of change of the velocity, and Newton’s Second Law says more than that the effect of a given force varies inversely as the mass; it says also that the direction of the change in the velocity and the direction of the force are the same (Feynman et al., 1963, section 9–1 Momentum and force).” Similarly, according to Feynman, “we see that Newton’s Second Law, in saying that the force is in the same direction as the acceleration, is really three laws, in the sense that the component of the force in the x-, y-, or z-direction is equal to the mass times the rate of change of the corresponding component of velocity: Fx = m(dvx/dt) = m(d2x/dt2) =max, Fy = m(dvy/dt) = m(d2y/dt2) = may, Fz = m(dvz/dt) = m(d2z/dt2) = maz (Feynman et al., 1963, section 9–3 Components of velocity, acceleration, and force).” Essentially, physicists define the force in terms of F = ma in Euclidean space. Thus, we can visualize the force as a vector such that the directions of the force and acceleration are the same.

Interestingly, Feynman disagrees that F = ma is a definition because it is not exactly true. Firstly, Feynman mentions that “[o]ne might sit in an armchair all day long and define words at will, but to find out what happens when two balls push against each other, or when a weight is hung on a spring, is another matter altogether, because the way the bodies behave is something completely outside any choice of definitions (Feynman et al., 1963, section 12–1 What is a force?).” Note that we have idealized the equation F = ma and prediction cannot be simply made from a mathematical definition. Secondly, Feynman clarifies that “[t]he forces on a single thing already involve approximation, and if we have a system of discourse about the real world, then that system, at least for the present day, must involve approximations of some kind. (Feynman et al., 1963, section 12–1 What is a force?) That is, Newton’s second law is not exact and it is important to understand that this physical law involves idealizations and approximations.

2. F = dp/dt

Historically speaking, Newton proposes the second law of motion as the rate of change of motion instead of the product of a mass of an object and its acceleration. However, Feynman states that “the motion of an object is changed by forces in this way: the time-rate-of-change of a quantity called momentum is proportional to the force (Feynman et al., 1963, section 9–1 Momentum and force).” To be precise, Feynman uses the term momentum instead of motion that is adopted by Newton. Furthermore, he specifies force as the time-rate-of-change of momentum. This is more precise because the rate of change of momentum could be with respect to displacement instead of time. However, Feynman’s statement can be further improved. First, we can be more precise by using the term linear momentum that distinguishes from angular momentum. Better still, the word proportional can be replaced by directly proportional.

Feynman also mentions that “Newton’s Second Law may be written mathematically this way: d(mv)/dt. Now there are several points to be considered. In writing down any law such as this, we use many intuitive ideas, implications, and assumptions which are at first combined approximately into our ‘law.’ … First, that the mass of an object is constant; it isn’t really, but we shall start out with the Newtonian approximation that mass is constant, the same all the time, and that, further, when we put two objects together, their masses add. These ideas were of course implied by Newton when he wrote his equation, for otherwise it is meaningless. For example, suppose the mass varied inversely as the velocity; then the momentum would never change in any circumstance, so the law means nothing unless you know how the mass changes with velocity (Feynman et al., 1963, section 9–1 Momentum and force).” However, particle physicists prefer Newton’s second law to be written as d(γmv)/dt in which the Lorentz factor, γ, equals to 1/(1 – v2/c2)1/2 and c is the speed of light. This is related to the concept of invariant mass that is velocity-independent.

Moreover, Feynman explains that “there is another interesting consequence of Newton’s Second Law, to be proved later, but merely stated now. This principle is that the laws of physics will look the same whether we are standing still or moving with a uniform speed in a straight line. For example, a child bouncing a ball in an airplane finds that the ball bounces the same as though he were bouncing it on the ground. Even though the airplane is moving with a very high velocity, unless it changes its velocity, the laws look the same to the child as they do when the airplane is standing still. This is the so-called relativity principle. As we use it here we shall call it ‘Galilean relativity’  to distinguish it from the more careful analysis made by Einstein, which we shall study later (Feynman et al., 1963, section 10–2 Conservation of momentum).” In other words, Newton’s second law is valid in an inertial frame of reference in which every free particle moves with a constant velocity.

3. Problems of defining force
Newton’s second law of motion is commonly known as a law of force or a definition of force. Feynman would discuss problems of defining force such as context, precision, and circularity as shown below: 

Context: Feynman mentions that “[m]omentum is not the same as velocity. A lot of words are used in physics, and they all have precise meanings in physics, although they may not have such precise meanings in everyday language (Feynman et al., 1963, section 9–1 Momentum and force).” Similarly, the term force has alternative definitions in the everyday context and technical context. For example, a definition of force in a dictionary or everyday language is “energy.” Moreover, Feynman clarifies that “[t]he first term is the mass times acceleration, and the second is the derivative of the potential energy, which is the force (Feynman et al., 1964, section 19–1 A special lecture—almost verbatim).” Depending on the context, force may be defined as “mass times acceleration,” “time rate of change of linear momentum,” or “derivative of the potential energy”, and thus, the term force could be confusing to students.

Precision: Feynman explains that “[t]he student may object, ‘I do not like this imprecision, I should like to have everything defined exactly; in fact, it says in some books that any science is an exact subject, in which everything is defined.’ If you insist upon a precise definition of force, you will never get it! First, because Newton's Second Law is not exact, and second, because in order to understand physical laws you must understand that they are all some kind of approximation (Feynman et al., 1963, section 12–1 What is a force?).” To illustrate this fact, Feynman gives the example in which the mass of a chair can be defined only approximately. He argues that it is difficult to distinguish the atoms that are chair, air, dirt, or paint.

Circularity: Feynman provides the following insights: “[w]e could also define force to mean that a moving object with no force acting on it continues to move with constant velocity in a straight line. If we then observe an object not moving in a straight line with a constant velocity, we might say that there is a force on it. Now such things certainly cannot be the content of physics, because they are definitions going in a circle (Feynman et al., 1963, section 12–1 What is a force?).” In a sense, it suggests that Newton’s first law and second law are circular: the first law states that zero force does not result in a change in velocity, whereas second law states that a force results in a change in velocity. Thus, both statements are essentially similar and the first law may be considered as a special case of second law. However, this is different from another circularity in which force and mass are defined based on Newton’s second law. That is, one should not define force by using the equation F = ma, and then define mass by using the equation m = F/a. (Some prefer to define mass using E/c2.)

To conclude, Newton’s second law of motion can be stated based on the equation F = ma or F = dp/dt. To be more accurate, the concept of force should be defined as the time rate of change of linear momentum instead of simply the product of mass and acceleration. Importantly, Feynman disagrees that Newton’s second law is simply a definition because it is not exactly correct and it can be falsified by experiment. Furthermore, there are idealization and approximations in this physical law of force as well as it is valid in an inertial frame of reference. However, we should be cognizant of problems in defining force. 

1. Breithaupt, J. (2000). Understanding Physics for Advanced Level (4th ed). Cheltenham: Stanley Thorne. 
2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 
3. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1964). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol II: Mainly electromagnetism and matter. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 
4. Knight, R. D. (2004). Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics. California: Addison-Wesley. 
5. Landsberg, G. S. (1971/2000). Textbook of Elementary Physics, Volume I. (A. Troitsky, Transl.) Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific.

Monday, 12 September 2016

The nature of heat (noun or verb?)

Question: Explain the nature of heat.

There is no consensual definition of heat. For example, Baierlein (1994) opines that heat is an adjective, Zemansky (1970) disagrees that heat is a verb, and Romer (2001) proposes that heat is not a noun. Essentially, heat can be distinguished as a “transfer” of energy (verb) and “energy” transferred (noun). However, it can be confusing for students when heat may mean “a form of energy” or “process of energy transfer” within a textbook.

In the nineteenth century, there were two competing concepts of heat: “caloric (or material) theory” and “kinetic (or mechanical) theory” (Chang 2004). In the early twentieth century, the term heat was even more confusing because there were at least three different definitions of heat: (1) energy in transition from a hot to a cold body, with the usual symbol Q; (2) internal energy or energy stored in a body, with the symbols E or U; and (3) enthalpy and it can be represented by the function U + PV, with the symbol H (Stuart, 1938). Currently, you may find different definitions of heat in biology, chemistry, and physics. Importantly, there are differences in opinion whether it is appropriate to use words such as flow or transfer in definitions of heat because they have the connotations that heat is a form of fluid or substance.

How would Feynman answer?

       It is possible that Feynman would explain heat as a noun and a verb (or a process) and discuss problems of defining heat as shown below.

1. Heat is a noun:

During a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television interview, Feynman (1994) explains that “you can either have the idea that heat is some kind of a fluid which flows from a hot thing, and leaks into the cold thing; or you can have a deeper understanding, which is closer to the way it is – that the atoms are jiggling, and their jiggling passes their motion on to the others (p. 127).” However, the notion of heat as a form of fluid can be attributed to the caloric theory of heat in the nineteen century or earlier. In addition, de Berg (2008) clarifies that “[t]he terms, heat flow, or energy flow, are remnants of the old caloric theory of heat in which heat was considered as a material fluid that had the capacity to flow. Identifying heat as motion is also a remnant of the early kinetic ideas of the 19th century (p. 80).” Thus, some scientists and educational researchers might consider Feynman to be misleading the public.

Similarly, in The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Feynman mentions that “the jiggling motion is what we represent as heat: when we increase the temperature, we increase the motion (Feynman et al., 1963, section 1–2 Matter is made of atoms).” Furthermore, he elaborates that “we can change the amount of heat. What is the heat in the case of ice? The atoms are not standing still. They are jiggling and vibrating (Feynman et al., 1963, section 1–2 Matter is made of atoms).” Feynman considers heat to be due to the kinetic energy of atoms or atomic vibrations. Essentially, the amount of heat is dependent on the temperature, and thus, heat is a noun.

Feynman elaborates that “[t]he heat is ordinarily in the form of the molecular motion of the hot gas (Feynman et al., 1963, section 1–4 Chemical reactions).” This would suggest that heat is the internal energy of a system. This description of heat is commonly found in biology textbooks (Doige & Day, 2012). Therefore, students may find it confusing because heat may mean “internal energy” and “energy in transit.” More importantly, when we define the First Law of Thermodynamics in terms of ΔU = Q + W, it becomes necessary to distinguish the internal energy U and heat Q as the energy in transit due to a temperature difference. In other words, we should not define heat as internal energy (U) and energy in transit (Q) that can be found in the same equation.

2. Heat is a verb:

In Feynman’s own words, “[i]f we heat the water, the jiggling increases and the volume between the atoms increases, and if the heating continues there comes a time when the pull between the molecules is not enough to hold them together and they do fly apart and become separated from one another (Feynman et al., 1963, section 1–2 Matter is made of atoms).” Feynman also uses the term heat as a verb. However, this is different from some physicists and physics educator who only use heat as a verb or define heat as a process of energy transfer. The use of heat as a process also clearly means that heat is not a form of substance or fluid.

In formulating the first law of thermodynamics, Feynman mentions that “[l]et us begin by stating the first law, the conservation of energy: if one has a system and puts heat into it, and does work on it, then its energy is increased by the heat put in and the work done. We can write this as follows: The heat Q put into the system, plus the W done on the system, is the increase in the energy U of the system; the latter energy is sometimes called the internal energy: Change in U = Q + W (Feynman et al., 1963, section 44–1 Heat engines; the first law).” In short, the term heat may be used when there is a non-mechanical transfer of energy into a system. Nevertheless, we can be more precise by defining heat as a method of energy transfer due to a temperature difference.

Interestingly, Feynman explains that “when we stretch a rubber band it heats, and when we release the tension of the band it cools. Now our instincts might suggest that if we heated a band, it might pull: that the fact that pulling a band heats it might imply that heating a band should cause it to contract (Feynman et al., 1963, section 44–1 Heat engines; the first law).” Conversely, Feynman states that “[w]hen we stretch a rubber band, we find that its temperature falls (Feynman et al., 1963, section 45–2 Applications).” That is, Feynman contradicts himself in the previous chapter by saying that the temperature falls. However, this is likely a careless mistake because the temperature should increase when the rubber band is stretched. It can be simply explained by the first law of thermodynamics, ΔU = ΔQ + FΔL. Feynman’s mistake could be related to the use of a mathematical expression for work done by the rubber band, −FΔL.

3. Problems of defining heat: 

Some physicists prefer to define heat in terms of the first law of thermodynamics. Nevertheless, Feynman explains that “[i]f we have a hot thing and a cold thing, the heat goes from hot to cold. So the law of entropy is one such law. But we expect to understand the law of entropy from the point of view of mechanics. In fact, we have just been successful in obtaining all the consequences of the argument that heat cannot flow backwards by itself from just mechanical arguments, and we thereby obtained an understanding of the Second Law. Apparently, we can get irreversibility from reversible equations… Since our question has to do with the entropy, our problem is to try to find a microscopic description of entropy (Feynman et al., 1963, section 46–4 Irreversibility).” Thus, it is possible that Feynman would relate a problem of defining heat to the law of entropy.

On the other hand, Canagaratna (1969) argues that another problem of defining heat is a problem of defining a measure of thermal interactions. He explains that “the ice-calorimetric method and the heat capacity method are unable to define q for irreversible processes taking place between any two bodies. Since the concept of heat has no necessary connection with reversible processes, it must be concluded that q can be defined in all its generality only through the use of the first law (Canagaranta, 1969, p. 683).” In essence, he proposes operational definitions of heat by using an ice-calorimetric method and heat capacity method. Moreover, Canagaranta (1969) opines that heat should be defined only by using the first law of thermodynamics, but it may involve irreversible mechanical work experimentally.

Lastly, and ideally, a scientific term should have only a definition such that there is no confusion when the term is used. Currently, there are daily definitions of heat that are not related to science. In addition, the term heat has a variety of definitions that can be used differently in biology, chemistry, and physics. For instance, definitions of heat may mean internal energy in biology and include terms such as “in contact” in chemistry. There are also different opinions how heat should be defined in physics.

       To conclude, Feynman would use the word heat as a noun or a verb. Importantly, some scientists and educational researchers disagree with him in explaining heat as a form of fluid, and defining heat as the internal energy. However, Feynman might discuss problems of defining heat or how heat could be used differently depending on the context.

1. During the Messenger Lectures, Feynman (1965) mentions that [h]eat is supposed to be jiggling, and the word for a hot thing is just the word for a mass of atoms which are jiggling. But for a while, if we are talking about heat, we sometimes forget about the atoms jiggling (p. 124). 

2. In the words of Feynman, [w]e call this form of energy heat energy, but we know that it is not really a new form, it is just kinetic energy — internal motion (Feynman et al., 1963, section 4–4 Other forms of energy).”

1. Baierlein, R. (1994). Entropy and the second law: A pedagogical alternative. American Journal of Physics, 62(1), 15–26.
2. Canagaratna, S. G. (1969). Critique of the definitions of heat. American Journal of Physics, 37(7), 679–683. 
3. Chang, H. (2004). Inventing temperature. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. 
4. De Berg, K. C. (2008). The Concepts of Heat and Temperature: The Problem of Determining the Content for the Construction of an Historical Case Study which is Sensitive to Nature of Science Issues and Teaching–Learning Issues. Science & Education, 17(1), 75–114. 
5. Doige, C. A. & Day, T. (2012). A typology of undergraduate textbook definitions of ‘heat’ across science disciplines. International Journal of Science Education, 34(5), 677–700.
6. Feynman, R. P. (1965). The character of physical law. Cambridge: MIT Press. 
7. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. 
8. Feynman, R. P. (1994). No Ordinary Genius: The Illustrated Richard Feynman. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
9. Romer, R. H. (2001). Heat is not a noun. American Journal of Physics, 69(2), 107–109. 
10. Stuart, M. C. (1938). Use and Meaning of the Term Heat. American Journal of Physics, 6(1), 40.
11. Zemansky, M. W. (1970). The use and misuse of the word “heat” in physics teaching. The Physics Teacher, 8(6), 295–300.